NFL: The 2 most embarrassing defeats in the last 5 years

Nfl: The 2 Most Embarrassing Defeats In The Last 5 Years

In a sport such as football, with its testosterone overload and insaciable desire for bloody victory, there can be no sport in which losing is quite so painful. Even in a defeat, it is one thing to lose a tight competition and another to be completely crushed by your opponent. Now, that is utterly embarrassing. In a football scoreboards feature, I have discussed 3 of the worst defeats to a team in the NFL, and their comeback against the same opponent in their next game.
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The Quickest NFL Players of all Time

The Quickest Nfl Players Of All Time

In a football scoreboards feature, I have taken a look at the principal differences between the two great games of American and Canadian football.

Origin: The origins of both of these sports lie in the British sport of Rugby. British soldiers brought the game over to North America, and the humble beginnings of football lie in the games that they played in the University of Harvard in the U.S. and McGill University in Canada. The first football scoreboards to be produced were then utilized as McGill University went on to play Harvard in a series of games, and a tradition was born.
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What is the Difference Between Canadian and American Football?

What Is The Difference Between Canadian And American Football?

In a football scoreboards feature, I have taken a look at the principal differences between the two great games of American and Canadian football.

Origin: The origins of both of these sports lie in the British sport of Rugby. British soldiers brought the game over to North America, and the humble beginnings of football lie in the games that they played in the University of Harvard in the U.S. and McGill University in Canada. The first football scoreboards to be produced were then utilized as McGill University went on to play Harvard in a series of games, and a tradition was born.
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The Best 5 NFL Kickers of all Time

The Best 5 Nfl Kickers Of All Time

Unfortunately, the kickers don’t always seem to get the credit that I think they deserve. Sure, they only play a few seconds a game, and their bodies are not subject to the rigors of the game that players in other positions have to deal with, but the physiological side of the kicking game is massive, and the best kickers have learned to master their minds, and their fear of failure as millions of eyes watch them.
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The Best 5 Kickers in the NFL

The Best 5 Kickers In The Nfl

In a football scoreboards feature, we take a look at some of the glamour players of the game: the ones who leave everyone else in a trail of dust.

Speed has always been one of the most prized skills in the NFL. It doesn’t matter how solid a catcher a player is or how good a tackler he may be, for many positions the player has to have great speed if he is going to succeed at the highest level. The fastest players in the game are not only some of the most adored, but also the most coveted. Along with the quarterbacks, they generate the most highlight reels, and many of the most memorable moments in the game as a whole.
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The 5 Great rivalries in the NFL

The 5 Great Rivalries In The Nfl

No game of football is complete without the kind of rivalry we see in the NFL today. A long history of great match ups, two of the best players in their respective positions coming together, two teams from the same corner of the country: their are a number of factors that bring about the most passionate rivalries in the NFL. In a football scoreboards feature, we look at the five best rivalries of them all:
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The 4 Worst Coaches in the History of the NFL

The 4 Worst Coaches In The History Of The Nfl

The coaches are the people behind a team’s success or failure. Whenever a team win a big slice of the credit is given to the coach, and the same happends when the team loses. Good coaches accept their responsibility when their team loses but there are some coaches who put the blame on the players for not performing up to standard. In a football scoreboards feature, we bring you the 4 coaches who will certainly not be remembered for their coaching skills:
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The 5 Top NFL Players who are the favorites for the MVP award

The 5 Top Nfl Players Who Are The Favorites For The Mvp Award

The NFL season is far from over yet but the predictions for this year’s MVP are already being made, and as ever there are many players who could win the award. They have been performing very well in the early stages of the season and could truly be a strong contender if they maintain their performance. In a football scoreboards feature, we will take a look at the main contenders for this years MVP award. Who would you vote for?!
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The 3 oldest players to have played in the NFL

The 3 Oldest Players To Have Played In The Nfl

There have been a number of players who have played in the NFL at or above the age of 40 and have performed like they were still young sprightly players in the twenties. Their passion for the game did not die with time, and their bodies somehow managed to withstand the rigours of the NFL year after year. The oldest player to ever have played in the history of the NFL was 48 years old when he retired. Here is a football scoreboards list of the players who played in the NFL at or above the age of 40:
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NFL’s 4 Of The Best Defenses Ever

Nfl’s 4 Of The Best Defenses Ever

In a football scoreboards feature, we take a look back at the NFL’s most mean defenses ever. It might not be pretty, but its effective!

Every fan of the game has heard it so many times that it probably just ticks them off: the best defense wins the game. This principle is true for every sport, but even more so when it comes to American football. The offence is, no doubt, important too, but it has been observed that more often than not it is the team’s defense that is the number factor in bringing it postseason glory. A good example of this can be seen in this year’s Pittsburgh Steelers team. The Steelers have a strong offense, but it is obvious that most of the credit for their successful season so far rests at the helm of their defense.
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