Scoreboards Entering the Technological Age: The Wireless Football Scoreboard

Since the early days of sports only one other thing on the field has captured the attention of the fans almost as much as the game itself. That one other thing is the scoreboard. A football game scoreboard has been letting fans know for years what is really going on in the game. When it comes down to it there is only one thing that matters at the end of a game, and that’s what’s showing on the scoreboard. Everyone is familiar with the football field scoreboard and has even come to have a sense of nostalgia rise up every time they see one whether they were a star athlete or a dedicated fan. The early football field scoreboard and baseball scoreboards were simple in design and were fairly inexpensive to build. They were built of a wood frame and contained a series of hooks from which numerical cards were hung in order to display the basic numbers of the game (time, score, and down or inning depending on the sport). Originally, a scorekeeper would sit by the scoreboard and change the score by switching the numerically marked cards off the hooks through a porthole. Other scoreboards in earlier days were built higher up and the scorekeeper would use a ladder to climb up the football game scoreboard and switch them that way. Either way, until the introduction of LED technology everything was done manually. The advancement in light technology revolutionized the scoreboard and the effect it had on a sporting event. With the use of light emitting diodes (LED’s), scoreboards left the Stone Age and entered the era of the electronic football scoreboard. When it comes to sports entertainment it is essential that organizations keep up with the times. The electronic football scoreboard is one of those things that an organization cannot afford to fall behind on.
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