In this soccer scoreboards feature I will explain why Barcelona is currently the best soccer team and what has made them practically unplayable over the last 3 seasons. They are possibly the best team ever, so how do they do it?!
Anyone who loves soccer probably wishes that their team played like Barcelona (unless the team he or she supports IS Barcelona). But is it possible for other teams to play like Barcelona and repeat what they pull off on the field? With the soccer scoreboards showing 3-1 to Barcelona against Manchester United in the final of 2011, their successful run continued. But if they are so successful, then why don’t other teams just copy them?
Well, here are the four things that other teams just cannot do, and (with the possible exception of the first point) will never be able to do as well as Barcelona.
1) Keeping the ball.
When watching Barcelona play I always think the same thing, no matter who their opponents are: the other team just can’t get the ball. And even when they lose the ball, they have an uncanny ability to win it back very quickly. It’s almost like they are angry at the other team for winning possession, so they all close in on whoever has the ball and intercept it at the first possible chance. This makes counter attacking for the other team difficult, and brings about some incredible statistics –in most of their games in 2010 they had 70% possession or more. Amazing!
2) Messi.
He has too many strengths for other teams to cope with, and a widely free role. He can fall back into midfield and play fast one touches with Iniesta and Xavi, creating a scoring chance in an instant. Or he can get the ball out wide and run past defenders and then deliver the perfect cross or shot, or he can be up front in the middle causing havoc, and if the central defenders pay too much attention to him, the other quality players like Villa and Pedro will make them pay. He has the perfect shot and the perfect pass, and within Barcelona’s starting line up, he truly is unplayable.
3) Harmony.
More than one player for the team has talked about the harmonious dressing room and lack of egos, which enables the players to click as a group on the pitch as we see them do. Rarely have such a group of world beating players come together on one team, who have molded together so well on and off the field. This fact is priceless, and a big reason for Barelcona’s success.
4) It’s all about the triangles.
The player with the ball always has multiple options. The main triangle is Xavi, Iniesta and Busquets down the middle. They all have an incredible awareness of where each other player is, which enables them to pass with speed and in directions that suggest they have eyes in the back of their head. This level of chemistry between players is a first in world soccer, and could only be gained though the most intelligent players in the world years being in one team together for years.
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