Lacrosse and Field Sport Scoreboards

Model LX7740 16 ft x 8 ft
All Lacrosse and Field Hockey features are present and accounted for in this major league scoreboard.
Model LX7770 26 ft x 10 ft
Lacrosse and Field Hockey now have a scoreboard that make the other sports jealous.
Model LX7860 9 ft x 5 ft
It's hard to believe that we packed so much information into such a compact cabinet.
Model LX6360 16 ft x 5 ft
The information is basic, but the big 24-inch digits get the important points across.
Model LX6370 18 ft x 9 ft
With a 30-inch tall Period Clock, you never have to ask the musical question, "Does anybody really know what time it is?"
16 ft x 5 ft
For serious Soccer and Lacrosse facilities, this scoreboard series has proven to be one of our most popular.
Model LX6630 10 ft x 3 ft
Like its bigger brothers, this little scoreboard can serve a variety of sports.
10 ft x 5 ft
This compact Multi-Sport model covers the basic features of most outdoor sports.