Model LX2576 Basketball Scoreboard
This 23 ft. x 6 ft. scoreboard includes over 7,000 LEDs. If you upgrade to our 8-inch tall 14x72 pixel Electronic Team Names, the total will top 9,000 LEDs! Yet the whole thing consumes less than 1,000 watts -- even with all displays illuminated. That's less power than our smallest light bulb scoreboards -- with only displays for Time, Score, and Period -- required twenty years ago. The massive amount of information shown on this scoreboard is made manageable by splitting operation over two control console. One operator can handle the main scoreboard functions, while a second operator takes care of the player statistics.

Upgrade to Electronic Team Names (ETNs)
- Dimensions: 23 ft x 6 ft 11 ft × 3 ft 11 ft × 3 ft
- Weight: 340 lb 480 lbs 480 lbs
- Digit Height: 16 in, 12 in, 6 in
- Electrical: 120 VAC, 5.8 amps 120 VAC, 7.2 amps 120 VAC, 4.8 amps 120 VAC, 7.6 amps
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Model LX2576 Installation Examples:
Kemp ISD-New HS Gym
Kemp, TX, 75143 -
Fort Payne High School
Scottsboro, AL, 35967 -
Oglethorpe University
Atlanta, GA, 30319 -
Port St Joe High School
Port Saint Joe, FL, 32456