Model LX1132 Baseball Scoreboard

The LX113x series offers a lot of scoreboard options in a small package.  We started with our simple LX1030 design, which features bullet-style Ball, Strike, and Out Counts along with 18-inch tall numbers for Runs and Inning.  We added two feet to the cabinet, bringing the size up to 8 feet x 6 feet.  This provides space for either Pitch Counts, a Timer, or both.  Like many of our smaller scoreboards, these Baseball models can be configured with a built-in side ID panel for advertisements, team logos, or other artwork.

Model LX1132 offers 11-inch tall LED digits that show Pitch Counts for the Guest Team and the Home Team.  In addition, this scoreboard includes a 2-digit Timer that counts Minutes.  If you're wondering about that little dot to the left of the Clock digits -- it's a Clock Activity Indicator.  That's a fancy way of saying that the dot blinks while the Timer is running.  It lets you know that the Clock is running without your having to wait a full minute for a digit to change.
  • Dimensions: 8 ft x 6 ft 11 ft × 3 ft 11 ft × 3 ft
  • Weight: 180 lb 480 lbs 480 lbs
  • Digit Height: 18 in, 11 in
  • Electrical: 120 VAC, 1.6 amps 120 VAC, 4.8 amps 120 VAC, 7.6 amps

Choose Colors:

  • Scoreboard Face
  • Accent Striping
  • LED Color
  • Currently Showing:  
  • Icy Blue White White Red
  • New Selection:  

Documentation and Details:

  • Specifications
  • Owner's Manuals
Model LX1132 Installation Examples:
  • Town of Big Stone Gap
    Big Stone Gap, VA, 24219
  • Dublin/Laurens Co.Rec
    Dublin, GA, 31021
