Electronic Video Scoreboards on Steroids

Our demand for the best technology is insatiable, and sports fans seem to be on the top of that food chain. Big isn’t big enough, it now has to be gigantic, in full blazing HD color and in our face. Some of the nation’s largest scoreboards give a view of such excellence that the people in the nosebleed area think they are on the field. This is the era of electronic scoreboard-a-rama.

In 2009, the Dallas Stadium premiered their 160’ HD display. This goes beyond a scoreboard: weighing in at 1.2 million pounds, it requires a team of technology experts to operate it and the cost was twice that of the old stadium used by the Cowboys. The screen was an extravaganza of brilliance. The color was crisp and every fan was aglow with the view. There was only one problem with something so large – when an opposing team’s backup punter made a rather non-descript kick, the football bounced and ricocheted off the screen. It turns out the entire thing was too low.
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