Stadium Advertising in the UK Brings Better Attendance

Stadium Advertising IncreasesThere doesn’t seem to be the controversy these days over stadium advertising. For most of us, it is not only to be expected but is now part of the game or show experience. Over the last year, there has been a study in the United Kingdom comparing the attendance levels of the games. The results has been surprising and of great advantage for fans, teams and sponsors.

The SPL Audience Report is an in-depth report that is part of the IFM Sports Marketing Surveys. This report was designed to offer backup proof with return on investment data. Examination involved the third quarter of the 2010 through 2011 season, and a variety of marketing areas were examined to show what types and at what levels stadium .

The survey company examined all games, including live and telecast as well as demographics of the attendees. The varieties of advertising also detailed the various sides: pitch, track and LCD and include electronic scoreboards. Each game was examined in detail on the type of attendee as well as comparisons of live broadcasts vs.: rebroadcasts.

While there were some areas that seem to ebb and flow in results, the overall final results have been astounding. There was a twenty six percent increase in live match attendance with a comparable twenty nine percent increase in overall cumulative game attendance. This is a win for any stadium that may have needed proof in the past that the marketing efforts are a true draw for the crowds.

Electronic scoreboards that have entered in the fray are now offering the highest resolution for fans to view. They have been combined with video streams, replay abilities, and feeds to the net as well as SmartPhone apps. Fans are not only hungry for this type of technology, but are beginning to have an expectation level of acceptance for any venue they attend.

The stats that were collected in the United Kingdom represent the opportunity for sponsors to use all areas of display and marketing to get their advertising message across. The fact that the attendance of a game is proof-in-the-pudding (as they say). In marketing, everything is based on repeat impressions and the varied areas of branding available in the stadium combined with electronic scoreboard representation gives a promotion the kind of branding that every sponsor is looking for.

The results of this survey are golden nuggets of data that may have started a revolution that will span around the world for other stadiums and venues. This is the smoking-gun that gives stadiums the power to use existing advertising opportunities as well as invest in newer technologies to bring in the crowds. From yard field signage to electronic scoreboards, today’s fans are increasingly looking for the type of communication and the stadiums have the proof to bring it in. As technology continues to advance, the world of marketing arenas will open new avenues to increase the fun of the game and the margin bottom lines.,,10291~160369,00.pdf

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