Portable electronic scoreboards: Taking the scores to your fans

Hometown teams that don’t have a good field know all too well the uphill battle of getting and maintaining their fan following. The success of any team relies completely on the fans and the sponsors. Every team needs to know they are supported and the easiest way to get those fans is to have a portable electronic scoreboard at every game.

The old portable scoreboards were bulky, unpredictable and difficult to set up at an away game. The improvement in technology has offered a team the chance to have a higher tech portable scoreboard with some of the bells and whistles that you might only find at the stadiums. Gone are the days of the massive electric requirements. The wireless age now offers excellence of quality without so many plugs. Audio special effects can now be found on the portable scoreboards as MP3 plug ins can create a music sensation that spurs both fans and team members alike. Bright, sharp LED displays have the option of color change, so that you can match the team colors and entice more team spirit at the game.

Sponsors are always a major topic and the newer can have a sponsor message as well as their logo. The importance of the sponsors lends to the financial payoff for the team. The expense of the game can be offset with higher sponsorship and everyone loves to support their home teams.

There are all kinds of portable electronic scoreboard sizes. The ability to actually transport the scoreboard is no longer as big of a challenge as in the past. These sturdy little technology hounds are also created with the idea that outdoor weather can be harsh. In most cases, a team will play their games in the outdoors, so well built scoreboards are designed to combat even the roughest of weather. In an indoor game, the scoreboard can be set up so that they are easily viewed.

The control area of the portable scoreboards has also been improved. Most require only one individual with a laptop or a manufacturer controller box. The higher tech selections will offer downloads that can be sent to the internet for moment-by-moment updates.

So much is now packed into the portable electronic scoreboard. Better quality viewing, colors, sound, sponsorship and higher tech access encourages the excitement of the game and the fans to attend, no matter how far away. Teams are encouraged by their support and attendance and sponsors will line up as they see this as a marketing opportunity that is truly a win-win for everyone.

It’s hard to believe that something as simple as a scoreboard could mean so much in a game. But, it’s the psychology of the event that spurs people on. The more of an experience that you make it, the more popular the event will be. The role of the portable scoreboard has opened up the opportunity to give fans the excitement they want at every game.

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