Scoreboards Video Displays Advertising

have entered a new age of the spectacular. are no longer the boring and beaten flip signs of the past, but are now clean and sharp, high resolution methods to connect the fans with their team and sponsors.

Advertising executives have long understood the psychology of the best advertising and have been in a constant search for the next hot area of appeal. Thus enters the . Stadium advertising is one of the top best methods for any sponsor or product. Studies have shown that 7 out of 10 products are recognized and remembered by the viewers. These stats are higher than just about any other advertising media.

Stadium designers and engineers are working with high quality scoreboard manufacturers and the focal point of the design is placement of the scoreboards themselves. They know that the fans now look to the scoreboards video display as an extension and connection with the team and the game. All eyes are on the gorgeous LED colors, the streaming video, tidbits of information about team and players and the products from the sponsors.

Sponsors are refining their product branding and video display advertising is the way to get the loyalty of the fans right to their door. Streaming video at a moment’s notice, easy to use software, wired permanent or wireless as well as portable are just a few of the options that stadium and team managers are previewing.

Video displays advertising is an eye catching, color popping attraction. Fans look to the scoreboards as part of the game experience. We are a society that is now accustomed to excellent resolution displays, and our attendance at the game should be nothing less.

Before the game even starts, we are already looking at the streaming video, the icons, information and even the funny antics that are displayed. During the game, our eyes dash to the screen to see immediate data streams as we yell and cheer for our teams. Portable input units allow the controller to be on the floor and give instant updates. As fans, this is our link to the game and our team. Sponsors list their product and we attach ourselves to their loyalty when we look up and see their names.

The development of the type of displays that we have come to expect has grown into a fine art in combining advertising and game experience. Sponsors are eager to participate because they know their message will be part of the total moment.

Scoreboards video display advertising has changed into the 21st century media extravaganza as part of the expectation of the game. As an investment, it is probably the most important aspect of consideration, because it can generate money, fans, sponsors and increased attendance and spending.

The video display is the first place our eyes go to before, during and after the game; and everyone loves it!

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