Football Stadium Scoreboards Make Every Seat The Best in the House

have improved tremendously in the last few decades and today provide a wide universe of information about the game and the players for all the fans in the stadium. These improvements have included larger displays, brighter digital numbers and even large LED screens for replays of the game. All of these improvements have made the game more fun to watch for fans and allowed them to keep track of all of the details of their favorite team’s progress in the game.

In years past, large football stadium scoreboards were based on an incandescent bulb technology to show fans the score of the game. These bulbs were arranged in a pattern that could somewhat crudely represent the digits of the score or current down when lit in a certain grouping. Even though they were an improvement over hanging a number on a pegboard to update the score, they were hard to read for fans, and required a lot of maintenance and power to keep them operating. Newer football stadium scoreboards use updated LED technology to display the score, and this enables the digits to be much brighter and seen from father away very clearly. They are also great if a fan is sitting at a slight angle to the scoreboard and won’t distort the digits as the older bulbs did. These LED displays are available in both red and orange and in addition to being easier to see, they last over 10 times longer than older bulb technology. This means that the schools scoreboard will need less maintenance, which can save them a lot of money each season. These new football stadium scoreboards are also much more efficient than older models and require less power to operate which further lowers the cost to the school.

Another nice innovation to these football stadium scoreboards is the incorporation of wireless technology. In the older scoreboards a cable had to be run from the scoreboard to the control booth to allow the officials to update the score. These newer football scoreboards use wireless technology to make this link and allow the controls to be located anywhere in the stadium. Some of the models allow for several controllers and this means there can be a master controller in the official’s box and a second controller on the field for the head official to use if needed to make adjustments to the time or yardage.

The final major innovation to these newer football stadium scoreboards is the addition of large LED displays. These displays are able to broadcast live motion video and replays for the fans in the stadium to enjoy. Schools can use these displays to show things like player bios, advertisements and instant replays from the actual game for everyone to see. Many schools use this display during game time to actually broadcast the game itself so that fans that are farther away from the field won’t miss a single second of the game. This truly makes every seat in the house a great one and gives the fans a great game time experience.

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